Thursday, October 15, 2009

Calling all spa sisters

As a kindred sister to those who enjoy visiting face to face, I feel it is my utmost obligation to let you know about special pampering opportunities that arise from time to time. Did you know that this week is national spa week? I adore the person who came up with the idea. I first heard about such a thing when I was traveling to Mayo Clinic in Arizona a few years ago. As I mentioned, I've have a difficult combination of health struggles and sought out the expertise of the practitioners at the clinic.

OOOh and while I'm on the memory, it happened that I gathered about a half dozen friends to call out to God during what I called "Pray the Symptom Away" Day. I have an unresolved, longstanding symptom involving my muscles and ligaments. At the end of that day, my uncle called me out of the blue to see how my recovery was going and through that conversation, the door opened for me to receive input at Mayo Clinic.

Just a side note that calling others to pray can really make your day. Back to pampering. I was looking into going to the spa while my mom and me were there. That's when I discovered national spa week. It was going on the very week we were in Phoenix. I felt this would be a delight in the midst of blood being drawn, tests being run and needles injecting various places. The bottom line of national spa week is that select treatments at participating spas are $50. Check out This is the real spa experience sisters. I've been to the "massage schools", etc. and they have their time and place. However, there's nothing like the real deal. May your pampering dreams be realized to a greater degree.

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