Friday, January 29, 2010

Reflections on Valentine's Day


February 14th is on its way! Whether you are married, divorced, dating or can't remember the definition for the word "date" because it's been so long, the mention of the day seems to elicit a variety of responses. I love pink, roses and hearts so the ambiance behind Valentine's is really appealing but the reminder that I'm without a "romantic pursuer" much less husband is not so attractive. However, I do know that many women who are married or have been in a marriage relationship would readily remind us single gals that marriage is many times a tool of sanctification (God's spiritual sandpaper hurts!).

Soooo. . .I've been thinking about what is behind all the hype. In my mind, it seems to come down to the reality of love. We experience love through people whether it's a kind word, affection, thoughtful gift or heartfelt prayer. There is a longing to know love at the deepest level and people are part of that knowing. God defines Himself as love so the longing is truly to experience Him at the very core of our being. I believe God uses romantic love with a man as a way to reveal more of Himself~ even when a man fails to show the love of God or there is not a man to do so, it is a loss and should be grieved as so. As Dr. Henry Cloud says, "grieve your losses daily". This means have Kleenex and waterproof mascara on hand.

Losses and longings can cause us women to look to the Author of Love. I was reminded of this last year when we celebrated the publishing of Capture My Heart, Lord on Valentine's Day. I had tried to plan the book launch party multiple times before it became apparent that God wanted to put His fingerprints on Valentine's Day. He reminded me that even our best attempts at human love pale in comparison to His perfect, restoring love which heals our hearts. I had invited a godly gentleman to join me at the celebration who ended up not being able to make it. Throughout the weekend, I was blown away by the kindred friends who came to celebrate and the reality that God's abundant expression of love or my worthiness to receive it is not limited by what we can or cannot do for eachother.

I pray there are many godly men out there who will depend on the Holy Spirit to unconditionally and sacrificially love the woman in their lives. I pray that a florist knocks on my door oh so soon (I'm not picky about the day) to deliver a beautiful arrangement of hot pink roses by a romantic interest. I would have delight at this moment in the expression of love. I also know that if this gesture doesn't happen that by faith in Jesus' life and sacrifice my experience of the love of God will remain rich, creative and all encompassing.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chili for chilly weather

Hi friends, it's that time of year when Mr. Winter visits with cold temperatures, making blankets, heaters and "warm comfort food" necessities. For those of you who are visiting Face to Face from those "ohh so cold" places, you may be thinking, "What do you know about cold weather living in Texas?" Point well taken. However, having gone through a number of days with the wind chill in the teens recently, I know enough that I am not made to live in consistently cold climates. It is a jolt to our southern, coastal city when freezing temps arrive. I myself am cold natured in an apt. with not a ton of insulation and high ceilings in the living room so I found myself in my robe with my blanket and fuzzy shoes. I felt quite cozy until I realized that I could not keep my nose from being cold. I decided to make a big pot of chili and wanted to share this tasty and quick recipe taken from

INGREDIENTS: 1.5 lbs ground beef, 3 stalks celery (chopped), 1 green bell pepper (chopped), 1 onion (chopped), 1 tsp. crushed garlic, 1 (28 oz.) can stewed tomatoes, 1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste, 1 TBSP. white sugar, 1 cup cold water, 2 (15 oz.) cans kidney beans (undrained), 1 TBSP. chili powder, salt and pepper to taste
DIRECTIONS: In a large pot over medium heat, cook beef until brown. Stir in celery, bell pepper, onion, garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, water, and beans. Season with chili powder, salt and pepper. Reduce heat and simmer 1 hour.

Enjoy a bowl full of warm comfort food.