Monday, April 9, 2012

What does it mean to live a sacred story?

    Do you see yourself as living a story for the Lord that has great value in His eyes? Sometimes the plot of my story feels mundane or not as signficant as others.  It can also seem like my story is moving in slow motion.  I think, Come on God. You sure are writing a long chapter with this situation or stage!

     And yet, God works behind the scenes in the circumstances of our lives as we devote our stories to Him.  We may feel like we've messed up our story or other people and events beyond our control have ruined parts of the plot through wounding us.  Amazingly, God takes the scribble and composes a beautiful narrative of His faithfulness and restoration.  The Lord shines through as the Hero who saves the day!

     Hour by hour. Day by day.  Whether we feel small, confused, delighted, disillusioned, determined.  The Lord beckons us to offer the minutes of our lives by faith to Him as a "sacred story" that makes a difference in His grand epic. Based on this reality that we all have a "story to live and a story to give", God recently begun a fresh chapter in my life with the launch of SACRED STORY MINISTRIES.  I will share more with you as I have opportunity as I'm really jazzed about this new chapter!