Friday, December 18, 2009

The Gift of Gratitude

After Elizabeth gave birth to John, the day of circumcision arrived and the new parents' were asked about the name of the child, assuming it would be Zacharias after his father since this was tradition to name children after family members. Zacharias had been mute during Elizabeth's entire pregnancy because of his unbelief when the angel Gabriel pronounced the upcoming birth so Elizabeth was left to explain for both of them that the baby's name is John . Those in attendance were perplexed and looked to Zacharias to confirm. He wrote out the name on a tablet and all were astonished. At that moment, Zacharias regained his ability to speak. The first words out of his mouth were words of praise and thanksgiving. I bet he had a whole new appreciation for the fact that he could form sounds from his mouth~ no doubt he had many months of frustration in being unable to utter a word! Let's consider the words that come out of our mouths today. Think about good gifts that God has poured out in your life~ some may be by faith because they may not seem good in and of themselves but they are helping you know and experience His love on a deeper level. Offer to God today the gift of gratitude by acknowledging the good gifts He has given you.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Gift of A Heart for Others

For now, we'll leave Mary in Nazareth to prepare for the birth of God's Son. Back in the hill country of Judah, Elizabeth's due date arrived and she gave birth to John. The Scripture says, "And her neighbors and her relatives heard that the Lord had displayed His great mercy toward her; and they were rejoicing with her." Elizabeth must have marveled at bearing a son in her seasoned age. As a friend of mine says, you know your a seasoned mother of a newborn when you are looking down at your baby through reading glasses. Yet, I feel sure that Elizabeth was filled with hope because of the words about John, that he would clear the way for the Savior and "turn back many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God." I would guess she had many opportunities to plant seeds in peoples' hearts through her words about her son's destiny. Just as in Biblical times, God is all about using people to reach people. Sharing God’s love and forgiveness with others through our actions and words is a great privilege. Think of a family member, coworker or friend who does not know the Lord. Offer to God the gift of a heart for others by praying for the person to be drawn into a relationship with Christ during this time. After you write down their name, brainstorm a way you can show your care in a tangible way.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Gift of Anticipation

As Mary left the comfort and safety of Elizabeth's house and traveled over the dusty roads back to Nazareth, there must have been a million and one thoughts running through her mind!. . . Ok, so. . . how to tell Joseph? my parents? They've always wanted grandchildren. I'm going to need bigger clothes. What will my friends think about giving me a baby shower before a wedding shower? Who will be there when I give birth and how much is that going to hurt?!?!. . .I've obviously taken some liberty in speculating what might have been on her mind. However, we do know for sure that Mary had many needs as she faced returning to her home town. I wish we had a record of her prayer journal to hear all the answers that God had already set in motion to provide for her. I love that God is so powerful and personal that He anticipates the needs of His children. Anticipating God’s voice and activity in our lives reflects a heart of expectancy. As you think about the areas you need guidance, tell Him your anticipation of Him coming through for you with wisdom and in circumstances.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Gift of Reflection

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about 3 months. I would guess that during that time there was a lot of talk about what the angel had declared to both of them concerning their sons. I bet they rehearsed the circumstances and what they might mean for their lives and for the nation of Israel many times. Not to mention sharing in the changes that go along with preparing to have a baby. I can only imagine how much strength they drew from eachother in the midst of both experiencing unusual pregnancies! It does our heart good to reflect on what God has promised. Here's the hard part since tis the season for much to do's and festivities. Carve out a bit of time, preferably in a place outside of your home, to reflect on Luke 1:26-38. Ask God to open your eyes to fresh perspective of the coming of our Savior. If possible bring a journal and write down what comes to mind as you reflect.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Gift of Praise

Mary said, "With all my heart I praise the Lord, and I am glad because of God my Savior." Luke 1:46-47

As we listen in on the conversation between Mary and Elizabeth, we hear Mary open her mouth to praise the Lord for the privilege of being part of His promise of redemption that He gave to Abraham (1:55). Praise is a good gift to our heart and the Lord’s when we acknowledge Him for who He is. As we prepare our hearts during this advent season to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus, offer to God the gift of praise by using the letters in the word “advent” to think of words to describe Him. For instance, the letter “A” might prompt me to praise God for being Almighty. Try to find a time where you can do so aloud~ in your car, the shower. . .if you're in an office with other believers, you may want to rally them to praise with you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Gift of Surrender

Mary was in the midst of preparing to be married when God invaded her world with the news of her role in bearing the Messiah. This can put a serious kink in wedding plans- how to tell her fiance that she was having God's Son and then what to do with the evidence in her belly at the wedding ceremony (not very PC- there were severe penalties for adultery in the OT)? Would her friends and family support her? Mary laid down her agenda to be involved in God's plan for the generations. She surrendered when she would begin a family, where she would live, how people would perceive her and much of her understanding of how life would turn out. As we go about the Christmas season, there is a tendency to reflect on what has been, question the now or project how our lives might turn out. We may choose different timing, circumstances or interactions for our past, present or future. Will you lay down your expectations of how life ought to be for involvement in God's plans which leave a legacy for the generations? Open your hands to the Lord and offer to Him the gift of surrendering your understanding and asking His plans to replace Your own.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift of Belief

We've bounced around the gifts of obedience and surrender when watching Mary as she responded to the message from the angel Gabriel. Let's consider that alongside obedience and surrender is belief or faith. This means that Mary embraced supernatural outcomes. A quote from the Teacher's Commentary (Richards, L. and Richards, L. O, 1987) summarizes it this way, "How wonderful that our God is not restricted to the usual, or bound by the merely natural. Our God is a God of the unusual, and the sooner we see God as He is, the more quickly our lives will be transformed." When Mary enters Elizabeth's doorway, she is praised by her cousin for her faith. When we consider our lives especially the places of struggle, do we rest in God's presence and activity, leaving room for Him to work in a unusual ways? Take a few minutes to offer to God the gift of belief by acknowledging that He is working in ways you cannot see.

The Gift of Obedience

Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:39-41

Hey sisters, today marks the first of 8 where I will highlight gifts we can offer to our True Love, the Lord Jesus, during this Christmas season. We begin by looking at the response of Mary upon receiving the message from the angel Gabriel that she would bear the Messiah and that her cousin Elizabeth would bear a child inspite of being "advanced in age" (must mean she had some gray hair!). What did she do? Mary took a pregnancy test. . .no, that's not how it happened! She acted on the Word of God without hesitation by going straight to Elizabeth's house which was not around the corner but miles away. We can give God the gift of obedience by acting on His Word without reservation. Even when our feelings or reason tell us that responding to God's Word might create harm to us or is not that big of a deal or that our own thinking is more trustworthy, we can affirm to God that we believe He is a Heavenly Father who is true and has good intentions by stepping out in faith. As you read or listen to God's Word this Christmas season, offer to Him the gift of obedience by believing and living what He says.