Monday, October 10, 2011


This is the thought that ran through my mind as the car following me obnoxiously blinded me with their brights.  We are driving on a major freeway after all with lamps providing light.  It's not like we're on a two lane country road with no sign of life. I turned my mirror up so that the reflection was not so piercing.
I am even more annoyed that the car had the audacity to take the same exit I did!  And then to proceed to stay behind me to get in the same turn lane.  All the while intruding my driving vision with those blasted brights.  To top it off, the driver turned at the light and stayed behind me.  Of all the routes to be taken in a major city! My annoyance alarms were definitely sounding.  This inconsiderate driver was clearly out to get me.

Then I had a heart check. Ok, maybe a little paranoid. I talked myself "down" a bit~ the driver is simply wanting to get to and fro and happens to be on my route.  Maybe there's a good reason for the brights to be on although I cannot for the life of me think of what that may be.  Perhaps he or she doesn't realize the serious driving transgression that the brights are turned on.

My anger level over the bright light driver skyrocketed out of proportion.  I had to think to myself, why am I so frustrated?  What or who in my life is bringing up the same feelings~ helplessness, inconvenienced, intentionally making things harder?  Emotions are a mirror in to the heart.

I'm asking God for answers since He's the One who truly understands me.  I am not sure of all the reasons for my heightened frustration level. I am trusting He will shine His bright lights on my heart so that I can grasp how my  freedom in Christ is being threatened.  I'm so grateful that God is out to get me with His bright lights.    


  1. Let me know of he tells you WHY?? :--)
    Love hearing your thoughts!

  2. I think you are so wise to bring this before the Lord. Often times, I dismiss my feelings of frustration and exasperation instead of asking God to reveal the root cause.

  3. Laura,
    Emotions are a mirror to the heart, and therefore, it is a great time to ask myself why I feel totally annoyed with most of the people in my life. What does that say? I need to figure out what's causing that.

    Glad I clicked over from Jen's.

  4. Well, friend, this is such great insight! Glad others are finding you...and hearing from you and yes, why all of the frustration, show me Lord, I pray TOO!!! talk to you soon!

  5. Laura, SO glad to hear I'm not the only one who struggles with anger and frustrations over what seem to be little\trivial things. Thank you Laura for being open. You are so cute too, I love your sentence about God shining His bright lights on you! And He will! I'm experiencing that, the more God is opening my heart to all that it was designed to have and experience, the more frustrated I am becoming... and that is frustrating, lol. I don't want to be more frustrated than I already am ;-) I'm learning that my frustrations are a reality of living this side of our 'yet-to-be-full-redemption'. I was designed for so much more than what I will EVER experience here. This thought is helping me to see why I am frustrated and to open my heart even more, which is cultivating hope in my heart for what is to come... but in the meantime I still groan, but it's becoming more of a godly groan, than resentful frustration... it's a battle, I experience both, and I'm sure I will until He comes again. Romans 8:18-24, here our groans are explained, and as we groan we begin to hope, and we learn to wait patiently for what we are hoping and waiting for... argh, it's soooo hard...
