Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hi, my name is Laura. I'm a blogger.

Hi friends, I tentatively have launched into blog world today. Thanks to my friend Missy. She is a doll and my heroine when it comes to blog mentoring. To be honest, I'm behind the blog times as I really didn't know much about this world until recently. I wrote a bible study which was published this year. In the pic, you see me with my kindred friend Kristen and her mother at CME printing who helped make my publishing dreams come true. I didn't realize it's like a "package deal"~ you publish, you blog. Then I saw Missy at a wedding and the rest is blog history. I feel like I've typed the word blog about 20 times by now so I'm going to try to refrain.

Part of my fear around writing like this is that no one will read it or that my place where I post will not be sought out. This would confirm to me that the study I wrote is not that great either. This would confirm to me that I'm really not meant to write. This would be too much for me to bear after four and a half years of labor and delivery. This would confirm to me that I definitely need to take that long awaited trip to New Zealand to recover from all these confirmations on a beautiful beach.

Missy also explained that you write informally and don't have to worry about grammar, etc. This is a big shift from a published work that you can edit the heck out of before it goes to print. Even then, mistakes are found in the final edition which I find is a very valid reason to seek out comfort food like dark chocolate.

Even if I'm growing as a writer, I can definitely say I'm a processer as this post is growing kinda long in my mind. But I'm not sure what the protocol is for the ideal length?? I hope not to commit too many trangressions in the book of unwritten blog rules.

I will wrap up by explaining that we were trying to think of what the "tag line" should be at the top. I mentioned that I wished I could sit down with women face to face to hear about eachother's life and times. I realize that our hectic schedules may not allow for such a treat so I am grateful that our Heavenly Father is always beckoning us to a face to face encounter. Even though He is invisible to our human eye, we can feel, see, sense and experience the face of our Father through His presence, promises, delight and care. Even if I can't see your face, I see God's smile as I delight in hearing from you and experiencing God's care through sharing the journey.

p.s. My mentor said that writing several times a week is ideal. It may be slow going for me at first. I am thinking I may write next about my recent re-move into the exact apartment I lived in a few months ago or about my trash issues.