This may sound like something to add to your next Italian dish; however, I found out this week exactly what the stuff is used for. I have been recovering from a difficult combination of health struggles, one of them is digestive issues that have been ailing me for a year and a half. I have been through multiple tests as well as meds, supplements, eating plans, etc. You name it~ if it supposed to help with digestion, I've tried it including fresh raw garlic which I don't recommend for social reasons.
Anyway, this is the kind of thing I ask God, "Do you remember what I'm going through? Can you not just give it an instant fix?" I've had multiple people pray for me and over me. The answer has stumped my doctor as well. It feels downright frustrating after a while to wonder why this type of thing is allowed to linger and consume my time, energy and money.
As I was looking on the web where I find all my medical info. *smile* about a possible cause my doctor had mentioned, I read that oil of oregano is used to treat it at times. I thought to myself, "There's something I haven't tried." I even looked at the stuff at Whole Foods this week, but seeing that it costs between $20 - $30 decided to wait to ask my doctor about it at my appt. on Friday.
Well, on Thursday, I received a call from the doctor's office. I thought they were going to give me the ususal reminder. Instead the receptionist said she had the doctor on the line. When he came on the line, he said he had just finished reading an article about the possible cause of the symptoms I have been experiencing and the prescribed remedy was OIL OF OREGANO. I was shocked and told him I had that very thing on my list to ask him about at my appointment. I don't think he realized that I was on his calendar the next day. I said I thought it was a God thing. My doctor, being a believer, affirmed, "That's the way God works."
At my appt., my doctor and a lady who works with him prayed a very special healing blessing over me. I don't know why God allows things to go on and on at times but I do know their prayers and kindness were a huge boost to my heart. I bought my oil of oregano yesterday and began taking it. As I've read up on this herb, it's used for a myriad of ailments including pain issues and allergies. My fun friend said that she thinks I will attract an Italian man. We'll see if that's one of the benefits. I can't say my digestion is back to normal yet but I do have a renewed hope that God is listening and wants to speak about the smaller and bigger issues of life.
7 years ago
I love the way God moves... and we can see the tiny threads He weaves together. One day we will see the final masterpiece He has day.