Friday, December 18, 2009
The Gift of Gratitude
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Gift of A Heart for Others
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Gift of Anticipation
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Gift of Reflection
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Gift of Praise
As we listen in on the conversation between Mary and Elizabeth, we hear Mary open her mouth to praise the Lord for the privilege of being part of His promise of redemption that He gave to Abraham (1:55). Praise is a good gift to our heart and the Lord’s when we acknowledge Him for who He is. As we prepare our hearts during this advent season to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus, offer to God the gift of praise by using the letters in the word “advent” to think of words to describe Him. For instance, the letter “A” might prompt me to praise God for being Almighty. Try to find a time where you can do so aloud~ in your car, the shower. . .if you're in an office with other believers, you may want to rally them to praise with you.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Gift of Surrender
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Gift of Belief
The Gift of Obedience
Hey sisters, today marks the first of 8 where I will highlight gifts we can offer to our True Love, the Lord Jesus, during this Christmas season. We begin by looking at the response of Mary upon receiving the message from the angel Gabriel that she would bear the Messiah and that her cousin Elizabeth would bear a child inspite of being "advanced in age" (must mean she had some gray hair!). What did she do? Mary took a pregnancy test. . .no, that's not how it happened! She acted on the Word of God without hesitation by going straight to Elizabeth's house which was not around the corner but miles away. We can give God the gift of obedience by acting on His Word without reservation. Even when our feelings or reason tell us that responding to God's Word might create harm to us or is not that big of a deal or that our own thinking is more trustworthy, we can affirm to God that we believe He is a Heavenly Father who is true and has good intentions by stepping out in faith. As you read or listen to God's Word this Christmas season, offer to Him the gift of obedience by believing and living what He says.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Meals, Menus and Meaning
I thought I had a pan that was in between these two sizes? I mused aloud as I was preparing dinner for a friend and me. Then I laughed at the fact that I don't know what sizes of pots and pans that I own and that this is a clear sign of my frequency of cooking. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about home cooked meals. I just prefer to go to other peoples' homes to eat them. I think it's partly the singleness syndrome of eating meals over the sink at times.
To my culinary credit, I have had 3 different occasions this week of having friends into my home to eat at my table. That's my spontaneous strategy; once in many moons, I just bust out and do the hospitality thing all at once. I must add also that these occasions have been sweet and refreshing for me in the midst of prep planning and panic. Plus, it is an added perk that my place has been picked up and in order and my new kitchen table and place mats have been broken in over crumbs, kindred conversation and prayers.
On the cooking theme, we had an event this week with my job called "Recipe for Success" that involved enhancing cooking skills and spiritual food for thought. Chef Clive Berkman spoke about finding balance and making meals a place to develop relationship because that is what we were created for. Clive shared his story of encountering wounds through changes in life. He insightfully shared how our responses to those changes cause our hearts to be affected and we live out of those experiences even though we may not be aware of how they are affecting us or our need to forgive people.
At one point, Clive mentioned that one way he dealt with his disappointments and abandonment through relationships was to put his all in to the one thing he could control, his work. Then his famous restaurant burned down and it was another blow. I won't spoil the rest of the story but instead let you soak it in by reading his book, Empty Bottle Moments. You can also take a peak at his website,, for recipes and other such culinary stuff. The samples of his recipes that we consumed were quite tasty.
It was a touching story because as my friend mentioned, it's not everyday when a man expresses what goes on inside him and his search for wholeness and peace. I am challenged to think about how I have dealt with the disappointments and abandonment in my life and to consider what I might try to control to avoid more pain. Who knows? Maybe I will also get out those pots and pans sooner rather than later and whip up another creation.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Contentment: To Be or Not To Be
When a couple of women mentioned contentment, I thought, "All of our longings will be filled when we are in Jesus' presence so until then we will never be completely satisfied. That's all I have to say about that." I also pondered that I don't live contentment very well. Who does? Yeah, the apostle Paul talked about learning the secret of contentment at the end of Philippians. But that's the guy who wrote half of the New Testament.
I do go back to that word "learned". This tells me that it's a process and might I add, a life long one at that. It seems like there's a continual learning curve. I want. I ask the Lord. I may or may not receive. I encounter unexpected twists and turns in my story. I have to constantly give up my right to experience life on my terms or at least the terms I think will satisfy my heart. There's the lie.
It's a big, fat hairy lie that will suck us up every time. I think I can find a place of satisfaction IF certain circumstances go a specific way. My heart requires that something be this way or that in order for it to be okay. That leads me back to the idea that there is a secret to contentment. It does NOT mean we have to give up desiring or wanting things to be different or better or more just. I do believe God's Himself is not just content to let things go on as they are. Perhaps the secret is knowing that my heart can be okay and full of life no matter what is or isn't going on in my life.
Depending on how things shape up, a change in my circumstances may bring relief, joy, encouragement (and I welcome those any day in Jesus' name) or to be honest, the opposite of tension, sadness or discouragement. My heart does not have to be tossed and turned by the allusion that it's satisfaction will be fulfilled in a change of circumstances. I have the Person of Jesus living in my heart who fills me up, strengthens me and makes me able to overcome. I am able to face life through Him and be changed as I encounter Him on a daily basis and in the end, I remind myself that this reality is all I need.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Blonder than I pay for
After finishing a walk, I merged into a mass of cars trying to get out of the park. I couldn't believe the traffic as it inched along~ 10, 15 minutes. As I neared the light to turn onto the main road, I fiddled with my key in the ignition because I had taken it off my keychain and my car died. Now, might I add that I have been having a lot of car problems in the last few months. I have spent the sum total of what would have been a cruise to Greece on repairs. By the way, if you've been on a cruise of the Greek islands and want to share your experience, I'm all ears to live through you.
Honk. More Honking. Many irritated drivers trying to get around me. To which I think, "Do you not see my hazards?" I am attempting to restart my car with no luck. I alternate between panic and the thought that, "Well, I knew it was just a matter of time." I make a vow to join Triple A. I make a vow to begin working for a for-profit company and buy a new car. I make a vow to marry a husband who has a heart for me to have a new car. I make several phone calls to friends, one who gives me the number to roadside assistance. This call leads to multiple other calls to get to a wrecker service. The wrecker guy is kinda cranky and I am not enjoying the dialogue when a man comes up to my door.
This guy asks me if I need any help or a jump. As a smart car girl, I tell him it's not my battery. I invite him to take a look and see what he might figure out. Soon after I climb out of the seat, the ignition on my car starts. I am delighted and wonder what magic he may have worked. The guy announces that my car was in drive and that's why it wouldn't start. Blonder than I pay for moment. I must say, though, at this point, I was just glad I didn't have to pay $100 plus in towing. In my blonde defense, the car did die while in drive. As if it should matter what gear it's in?!?!
Alas, my car has had a couple of times it threatened not to start this week even after this incident. Despite my previous attempts to take it to the repair shop which cannot seem to get it to act up in the same way. Life is like that. Sometimes I'm stuck in a behavior or pattern or attitude that I just can't seem to move forward. I need to get out of the driver's seat and ask God to provide wisdom and deliverance so that I can keep movin' toward my destination.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Calling all spa sisters
OOOh and while I'm on the memory, it happened that I gathered about a half dozen friends to call out to God during what I called "Pray the Symptom Away" Day. I have an unresolved, longstanding symptom involving my muscles and ligaments. At the end of that day, my uncle called me out of the blue to see how my recovery was going and through that conversation, the door opened for me to receive input at Mayo Clinic.
Just a side note that calling others to pray can really make your day. Back to pampering. I was looking into going to the spa while my mom and me were there. That's when I discovered national spa week. It was going on the very week we were in Phoenix. I felt this would be a delight in the midst of blood being drawn, tests being run and needles injecting various places. The bottom line of national spa week is that select treatments at participating spas are $50. Check out This is the real spa experience sisters. I've been to the "massage schools", etc. and they have their time and place. However, there's nothing like the real deal. May your pampering dreams be realized to a greater degree.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pressing Pause at a Haven
Top 5 reasons to press "pause" in life:
1) the grass is greener at times on this side of life (and there's more of it!)
2) sitting in a rocker at sunset on the porch lends itself to reflection
3) freedom from key boards, traffic and "to do's"
4) pressing the "play" button is something that will always be there
5) having breakfast made is the best way to start the day
Hey friends, I often say that I have the spiritual gift of vacationing. It brings out the best in me. I just need a budget to support it! I just returned last week for a bit of a respite in the hill country. I visited with my faith filled friend in San Antonio as she reunited the women who studied Capture My Heart, Lord this summer. These women are such an inspiration in their desire to pursue the Lord and their cheerleading my effort in writing the study. Needless to say, time with these sisters did my heart good!
From there I went to Comfort, TX to enjoy R & R at the Haven River Inn (pictured above) with a kindred sister who serves with Campus Crusade for Christ in Austin. This place truly is a haven with a pool, rolling hills and river nearby. Soak in these sites:
I came upon two sites that spoke to me about roots. Roots are more than where we are from. They also are where we are going deep so that we have the sanity, strength and wisdom to prosper through daily challenges that come our way. Sneak a peek at the difference:
The first tree's roots did not withstand the storms. The second tree is gracefully flourishing because it's roots are deep and being nourished. Are we tending to our roots? And I don't mean hair color although that's on my calendar every now and then. And might I add does contribute to my "hair do" sanity. Pressing "pause" with the Creator of life, whether for a few minutes, hours or days, tends to our roots. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:1-3
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Oil of Oregano
Anyway, this is the kind of thing I ask God, "Do you remember what I'm going through? Can you not just give it an instant fix?" I've had multiple people pray for me and over me. The answer has stumped my doctor as well. It feels downright frustrating after a while to wonder why this type of thing is allowed to linger and consume my time, energy and money.
As I was looking on the web where I find all my medical info. *smile* about a possible cause my doctor had mentioned, I read that oil of oregano is used to treat it at times. I thought to myself, "There's something I haven't tried." I even looked at the stuff at Whole Foods this week, but seeing that it costs between $20 - $30 decided to wait to ask my doctor about it at my appt. on Friday.
Well, on Thursday, I received a call from the doctor's office. I thought they were going to give me the ususal reminder. Instead the receptionist said she had the doctor on the line. When he came on the line, he said he had just finished reading an article about the possible cause of the symptoms I have been experiencing and the prescribed remedy was OIL OF OREGANO. I was shocked and told him I had that very thing on my list to ask him about at my appointment. I don't think he realized that I was on his calendar the next day. I said I thought it was a God thing. My doctor, being a believer, affirmed, "That's the way God works."
At my appt., my doctor and a lady who works with him prayed a very special healing blessing over me. I don't know why God allows things to go on and on at times but I do know their prayers and kindness were a huge boost to my heart. I bought my oil of oregano yesterday and began taking it. As I've read up on this herb, it's used for a myriad of ailments including pain issues and allergies. My fun friend said that she thinks I will attract an Italian man. We'll see if that's one of the benefits. I can't say my digestion is back to normal yet but I do have a renewed hope that God is listening and wants to speak about the smaller and bigger issues of life.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Moving out, moving in, moving on?
One morning I was calling out to God about my financial obligations, some of which arose from the publishing of my bible study. I told the Lord I wished I could get out from underneath my rent. That day I received an email from a dear friend, generously offering for me to live in her home until it sold. At the same time, I asked God if a certain gentleman in my life would initiate with me more definitively. The next night I received an email from him, inviting me to come to where he lives to celebrate the publishing with friends and spend time with him. Given all the variables in my life, I felt God giving me the courage to make this change.
So I packed up my life. Put everything in boxes, sold a few items, found a storage space and moved in with my friend, her cat and her dog. My life was poised to change and I was expectant. It was an adventure because we didn't know when my friend's house would sell. I asked God to do something special around the timing of the selling of her house. That His fingerprints would be all over timing in my life. I was hoping it would revolve around the romantic genre of my life.
I enjoyed my new neighborhood and exploring different walking trails. I learned what it was like to live with someone again~ a housemate who has excellent taste in cooking and fresh flowers is the way to go. I saved money and felt my financial burdens grow lighter. I went to visit the previously mentioned gentleman and felt positive and yet unsure of where we might be going. Over time and more interaction, it became clear that this gentlemanly character was painfully being written out of my plot.
Then my friends' house sold. I couldn't believe that God would write the story this way. I was beyond faint hearted when I thought about having to look for another apartment and unpack again as a single woman. My kindred friend suggested I call up my former apartment complex to see if my treehouse was still available. Keep in mind that this is 3 and a half months after I moved out and that this complex is huge. Upon inquiring, I was told my unit was available and had undergone an entire renovation. . .new floors, light fixtures, appliances, sinks, blinds, granite countertops, etc. . . and would be completed just days before I would need to move in.
I signed a lease for the same space I thought I'd never live in again. Here's the kicker. Because I was now classified as a "new renter", I was entitled to special deals so that the rent I am now paying is $100 less than when I moved out. For a completely updated space. Even the women who worked at the leasing office jaws dropped when they realized I was moving back in to the same space. One of the asked me, "Where did you go for three months?" "It's a God thing" was my reply while smiling inside at God's ability to be a show off.
Even though I am so grateful for my newly renovated treehouse at a lower price, I do tell the Lord that I am sitting on the edge of my seat for Him to write the next chapter, asking specifically that the drama would include moving into a home with my husband. For today, as I look around at the special touches and think about the amazing timing of this space being ready for me, I hear Him whisper, "I can do timing. I am intimatley involved in every hour, minute and day of your life. I am working toward the visions I have for you at the appointed time. Your times are in My Hand." I realize once again that God's plots are unpredictable and draw me to applaud His character.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hi, my name is Laura. I'm a blogger.
Part of my fear around writing like this is that no one will read it or that my place where I post will not be sought out. This would confirm to me that the study I wrote is not that great either. This would confirm to me that I'm really not meant to write. This would be too much for me to bear after four and a half years of labor and delivery. This would confirm to me that I definitely need to take that long awaited trip to New Zealand to recover from all these confirmations on a beautiful beach.
Missy also explained that you write informally and don't have to worry about grammar, etc. This is a big shift from a published work that you can edit the heck out of before it goes to print. Even then, mistakes are found in the final edition which I find is a very valid reason to seek out comfort food like dark chocolate.
Even if I'm growing as a writer, I can definitely say I'm a processer as this post is growing kinda long in my mind. But I'm not sure what the protocol is for the ideal length?? I hope not to commit too many trangressions in the book of unwritten blog rules.
I will wrap up by explaining that we were trying to think of what the "tag line" should be at the top. I mentioned that I wished I could sit down with women face to face to hear about eachother's life and times. I realize that our hectic schedules may not allow for such a treat so I am grateful that our Heavenly Father is always beckoning us to a face to face encounter. Even though He is invisible to our human eye, we can feel, see, sense and experience the face of our Father through His presence, promises, delight and care. Even if I can't see your face, I see God's smile as I delight in hearing from you and experiencing God's care through sharing the journey.
p.s. My mentor said that writing several times a week is ideal. It may be slow going for me at first. I am thinking I may write next about my recent re-move into the exact apartment I lived in a few months ago or about my trash issues.